Thursday, 26 February 2015

A New Baby in the House..

We are proud to announce we have a new granddaughter as of last night.. Her name is Charlie Maree and she weighed in at 6lb 8oz. A very quick birth 8 minutes.. My daughter Krystal was quite disappointed she didn't need the gas lol.. All doin well..

Mum and Charlie, You can see how much love Krystal has for her daughter.. 

Poppy and Charlie having  serious talk.

Krystal, her partner Craig and their two daughters Astaria and Charlie.. Astaria is not really sure how sissy is there and not in her mums belly..

The lip is definitely like her big sister lol.

Astaria having a nurse from her dad cause she a baby she said lol

Oh don't you love this photo, the photo says 'look at me, I am a angel' little darling

Sissy had a hat on so Astaria wanted one on as well..

'See nan look she crying', how cute was that, ok ok I am so biased with every thing my grandkids say lol . 

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Hi,Thank you for looking at my page, I appreciate you doing so.. Hugs Donna x