Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Hello my friends, well I am going to redo my blog to look more friendly.. It should be up next week, I hope you like it..

My new granddaughter Charlie is now 8 weeks old and has been in hospital for a few days with bronchitis.. She was allowed to go home tonight to see hoe she goes, fingers crossed poor little darling..

I had my son Saul, Bec and the boys Blake and Harley over from Queensland for a week staying.. They didn't tell me they were coming so it was a huge and wonderful surprise. I loved having them home even if it was only for a short time. They went home to terrible wild weather and in fact Bec couldn't get home from work due to flooding.. All good now, though I am missing them terribly..

My granddaughter Aimee turned 16, where has the time gone for that, one minute she was grinning at me with no front teeth now she is looking at me saying "oh nan" and looking beautiful..

My granddaughter Caitlyn broke her fingers due to thinking she was a karate expert (doesn't even do it) and thought she would show her friends how to do a hand chop on a plank. silly child lol

I have not been well, but like anything just have to hang in there. Headaches are happening 24/7, having lots of tests.  The kids reckon I am a hypochondriac lol

I have started classes again and am very busy thinking of new things to do. I was asked to help with the holiday program with the Salvation Army for 2 days. There were 10 kids the first day and 22 kids the second day. We were only expecting 10 or 12 the 2nd day so it was a bit of a shock to me lol.. We made little books the first day with the kids making their own paper and tye dying the second day.. Was a huge success..

I now have a toilet in my studio and have had my wall measured for shelves and my other wall measured for a sink and cupboards.. Hopefully it will all be done within the next 6 months.  My wonderful hubby painted my huge tables and my son suggested we have our Christmas dinner up at the studio because the tables are big enough to accommodate everyone.. (not a bad idea I must admit)..

Will take some photos for you as things start happening..

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Hi,Thank you for looking at my page, I appreciate you doing so.. Hugs Donna x