Tuesday 20 August 2019

ATC COINS Swap - CraftRoom Down Under

Hi all, 
How are we all on this Tasmanian Chilly Winters Night!!
I joined in two ATC Coin swaps with CRDU and thought you might like to have a sticky at what
I created.. There were two themes:
1. Feathers
2. Open

Theme One I choose a stamp and die from Christina Griffiths and the paper is from Prima Lifetime Collection kit.. 

Theme Two I choose to do a mixed media theme as I wanted to start using some of my massive chipboard collection up and what a better way to do that than mixed media..
I loved creating this and let me tell you I had black paint in places
I wouldn't even believe lol

Now to choose which ones to send and which one to keep, mmm.

I hope I have inspired you
to create glorious things.
Donna xx

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Hi,Thank you for looking at my page, I appreciate you doing so.. Hugs Donna x